
Photo credit: krosseel from

Let the rain fall
I say
Let the rain fall
For it masks the tears
That for many years
You have caused

What's the point of this
That is our life
What's the point of this
I ask
What's the reason
You so selfishly stay
What's the reason
That you refuse to say

'Cause this is real
No matter what you think
And it will not just go away
This is real
What I feel
This is happening straightaway


~Written for Wordsmith Studio Poetry
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  1. This is heart-wrenchingly honest, Dana. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Peace to you!

  2. I love your poem and the prompt... I hope this does not come from experience, but is rhetorical.

    1. Thank you very much JoAnn! Most of my poetry does stem from my life and experiences... but no worries. Poetry and my boys help me to make it through!

  3. Oh dear, this feel to me like Gorecki's sorrowful symphony sounds. I'm glad you have your little mop-top boys and are well. Love this sorrowful piece.


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