Childish No More

On reducing me... to you
And I was too blind to see
The monster you've made of me
I am ashamed of my childish actions
So I stand tall against your efforts
To turn me into the very thing I hate


~ Written for dVerse Poets. Picture by: SueAnn @
Please leave me your thoughts below. I do love them so!


  1. oy, it is interesting the feelings this is generating in people...yikes on the reducing..and being reduced as well to their level...the monster....

  2. Hard to be placed as less than we are by someone trying to browbeat us into submission and suppressing us but, eventually, the worm does turn. Good for them I say :)

  3. Wow ... like that last line especially...

  4. I feel this coming from somewhere other than the picture... The expression is very much alive.

  5. Dark and chilling...excellent take on being reduced and made to his kind ~

  6. Wow, what a horrid be turned into what one hates. Your poem really portrayed intense feelings well.

  7. A truth that hits one hard. You protrayed it well. Most excellente!

  8. Really packs a punch, Dana. Very strong ending.

  9. Yikes, a powder keg of emotion, very well done!

  10. A hitting response. The "reduced" matches the picture perfectly.

  11. Powerful writing - you grappled with a difficult idea most skilfully

  12. Ouch. But I hear the hope, the recovery and almost see the bush blossoming in the coming Spring. Nicely done

  13. short and precise. strong writing, hope you still stand your ground and flourish again...

  14. Dana--this is so strong. Please bloom again... Really liked this!

  15. I have faced these dilemmas my whole life. If there is a true north in one's life, it has always seemed to me that I must face that way and continue no matter how many want to knock me off course. Any other direction is untrue and for me unsafe! Tight verse, and well constructed.

  16. Thank goodness for self realisation. Very hopeful poem Dana. Love it.

  17. What an interesting (and sad) reaction the image brought to you. To be reduced, like the tree, into something ā€œotherā€ than one was or wants to be. But there is a sign of hopeā€”a standing up against those that hurt us. Thanks for sharing this.


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