Writers angst

Am I good enough?
Will I ever be?
To write is my love
To express through poetry

Do I stack up against the greats
My dream is to succeed
Am I good enough
Will I ever be

One step from my comfort zone
could set me free

Will I ever be?


~Let me know what you think by commenting below or connecting with me on Twitter and Facebook!  I'd love to hear your thoughts.


  1. This is a nice, honest piece on the nature of doubt in writing and the struggle we writers all share. Thank you so much for sharing this!

    1. Thanks Khara! That means a lot coming from you.

  2. Hi Dana,

    You voice what many poets feel and that is to have our writing validated. If it is your passion then follow your dream. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I fell into your lyric voice, and the phrase nothing to say doesn't do you justice; i fell in love immediately with your blog - a new, but avid reader! Best wishes

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comment. It's moments like this that keep me writing because it reminds me that people do read it. Thank you again.

  4. I'm coming by way of MNINB - going through the blog list. I loved your poem. Even though I'm not a poet, I'm pretty sure you will "be"! Hope to check your blog and all the other MNINB blogs more thoroughly.

    1. I'm still checking out all the blogs myself. Lara's post is definitly going to make that easier! Thank you for your sweet comment and for stopping by.

  5. Expressing your doubts in such a clean, lilting, lovely way tells me that you are on your way. Nice job.
    Came from the L&LB linkup.

    1. I mean, I came from Write on Edge. And now I drink coffee....

    2. Thank you! I really appreciate that your comment.Thanking you for stopping by and reading! I'm about to return the favor (while drinking my coffee too)

  6. Dana, I nominated you for a Liebster Award! You can see the nomination (and some of the rationale behind it) here: http://www.kharahouse.com/2012/05/special-update-liebster-awards-new.html

    Cheers! :)

  7. --We have all felt the same way...

    I finally let go & decided to be "Just Me."

    Great Post. <3

    1. I'm working on being "Just Me". I have to let the idea go that I don't have to write like others to be as good as they are. It's very difficult though. Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting!

  8. Universal, that self-doubt. You express it beautifully. About the content I would say we should try not to compare ourselves to the greats or anyone. We write what we write and by doing so improve incrementally but steadily. I enjoy your style and tone.

    1. You are so right! This is something I'm working on, but my mind want to keep slipping to that old way of thinking.Thank you very much for stopping by to read!

  9. Isn't this the truth: "Do I stack up against the greats..." I love your reply to My Inner Chick about being "Just Me." I'm going to have to borrow that!

    I just read your profile and I loved it! I think you and I are on similar paths! : )

    1. Feel free to use it!

      I noticed the same thing when I dropped by your blog. I think that's why I like it so much! Thanks for visiting.


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