St. Jude's Trike/Bike-A-Thon
My husband and I love to donate money to several charities of our choosing when we have the oppurtunity to do so. St. Judes is the charity that is the dearest to our heart. I don't want to go into too many details, but to have your child stricken with cancer and lack the money to help them breaks my heart. St. Judes will help your child whether you can pay them or not. So, when Williams' preschool sent out a letter explaining the Trike/Bike-A-Thon event they hold every year, I got very excited. Starting October 5th, I will begin taking Pledges for the Trike/Bike-A-Thon. The actual event will be held on October 9th but I will have until the end of Oct. to get in all Pledges. I do not have all the details right now but I will continue to post updates as soon as I get them. Email me if you are interested in helping.
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~ Walt Whitman
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