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Some of my favorite things.....
- My two boys who will forever be my babies. To hear them giggle and laugh is more beautiful than any melody.
- The delicate scent of parchment, ink, and history that fills the pages of a book. Sitting among pillows cozy, quiet, uninterrupted and engrossed in that book.
- The smell of honeysuckle, lavender, and rosemary dominating the spring air.
- Cranking my favorite music, salt rimmed margarita in hand, and pondering the meaning of life in front of a orange blazing fire.
- The aroma and taste of an early morning cup of Community Coffee. Drinking that coffee from my favorite yellow Fiesta mug.
Watching the yellow sun set in a purple sky above a vast ocean of blue waves. Digging my toes into the sand as the water crashes onto the beach.
- Laying in bed as the pitter patter of rain hits my roof and thunder slowly growls in the distance.
- Surrounded by my family with a hundred conversations going on at once. Even the crazy members, it just guarantees that things will be interesting.
- Biting into sweet, juicy watermelons and strawberries on a warm summer day. Putting some meat on the BBQ and serving it with potatoe salad, beans, and hot rolls on a warm summer night.
- Nature changing into the red, orange, and browns of fall and watching as the leaves delicatley float to the ground.
- A butterfly fluttering about the sky, dancing among the flowers. Wings shimmering in the sun.
- Turning my experiences, thoughts, and emotions into poetry then sharing it with all who care to listen.
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To have great poets... there must be great audiences
~ Walt Whitman
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